Thursday, January 15, 2015

Your Two Cents? Keep It.

Weight: 236.6

A little rant:
I have been on my diet religiously for two full weeks (lifetime accomplishment for me) and now that I'm actually successful, I have had a few different people question my diet plan (because of their ignorance).  As if they have any right to tell me whether it is sufficient or healthy.  Never did these people voice an opinion while I gorged myself on fat & sugars.  Never did anyone (for that matter) voice an opinion as I ate my way to 267lbs - busting out of my size 24's, suffered a relapse in depression and became a hermit withdrawing from everyone but my dog & my husband. 

But NOW, as I finally feel the joy of success and the excitement of beating obesity, people have raised question to my eating habits and diet plan. Heaven forbid I eat a vegetable! 

All I have to say to anyone who dares to question my plan or discount my successes: Ignorance Is Unacceptable. 

I have educated myself in this plan and process. I am successful. I am gaining confidence, and I will shed more than my weight if you're not willing to accept the healthy me.
End rant.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Sick Sucks but Slimming

Weight: 235.6
I'm on day three out of work with a wicked flu/sinus infection.  I fevered Tuesday night and have been on my death bed the last couple days.  It's the first time in my life I don't feel comfortable enough to drive myself. But I'm going stir-crazy sleeping away the days.

On a plus side, I've only been eating broth and have dropped into the 230's!  Today's weight puts me a pound under my weight when I found out I was pregnant in 2009!  This is AMAZING!!!

Monday, January 5, 2015

PreWorkout Powder = Speed

Weight: 240.6

This afternoon at work a coworker and I were talking about workouts, I started a new session of fitclass tonight, and I was nervous about having the energy to push through the workout.  I decided to try  a scoop of a preworkout powder, it was supposed to kick-in within 30minutes - just in time to drive to class.  Well, because of the restricted diet, that shit started coursing through my veins almost as soon as the cup left my lips! WOWZA!  I felt like I was flying and literally thought I could have pushed my car to class instead of drive it!  I was so wired that I had to crank up the music in my car and belt songs all the way to my class! 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Santa Barbara Success

First I'd like to say the scale said 241.8 today - that's a nine pound difference in just a few (long, headachey) days!  Clearly, I had some excess weight that just needed a good detoxing to flush it out of my system! 

Anyways, we took a day trip to Santa Barbara yesterday and I made it through lunch with shrimp cocktail and a crab louie salad.  (blunder: served with thousand island dressing, but I just dipped my fork in it before each bite, rather than pouring the whole cup on it like I normally would do).  I didn't eat the bread they served us either, usually I'd attack that basket! 

The second meal was at a BBQ joint on the way home. I ordered a burger, but was totally unsatisfied because it was super dry even with mustard.  Learning point: I need to be sure next time to ask for extra tomato slices.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Headaches and Pickles

So it's day 2, and I got a dull headache at work around 2pm.  I had some veggies left from lunch so I sprinkled them with salt and it helped lessen my headache. (surprisingly they tasted good, usually i don't add salt to my food). 

My friend suggested I eat dill pickles if I get a headache, she said the sodium in them helps a lot...I had a couple pickles when I got home and it did make the headache go away!  Poof!  

Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year - New Lifestyle

After witnessing my best friend lose 40 pounds from Oct-31 to Dec-31 (yes through the holidays even) I have decided to make an attempt at her diet plan.  It is based on the Ideal Protein diet which cleans out your diet completely: meat, eggs, certain vegetables, olive oil & grape seed oil, protein shakes, protein bars and supplements.  Period.

There are a lot of NO's on this diet and I have to admit I'm scared about giving up grains, fruit, cheese - even nuts - but I've done a lot of research about this and reading all of the Ideal Protein materials - even a book by the Dr. who created the diet - and knowing that these restrictions are only temporary while losing the weight, not for life.  I will be putting myself into a state of Ketosis.  (Ketosis causes your body to shift its process of burning energy, with a deficiency of carbohydrates in your diet, your body resorts to fat & proteins to create fuel to burn).

A fear I have for this diet is not being able to say no to temptations. Or being in a situation where there are no allowed foods for me to eat. My friend has been a hermit while doing this diet to prevent cheats, but I don't want to hide.  I need to keep my social life, it is good for me. I will just have to be strong and remember that saying 'no' is ok! 

I will also continue my workout schedule of 3 days a week (it pretty much sums up my social life), even though the diet says to refrain from exercise, but I just plan to eat an extra protein bar on those days...I love to exercise and feel better about myself when I do it.  Besides, I want to be toned when all this weight comes off, not soft.

Knowing that I was about to start this diet, I did not restrict myself from eating all the indulgent foods thru the holidays and topping it off with a full night of drinking for New Year's! Yesterday I weighed 250.8 lbs.  (that is up from the 243 I weighed in September after a weight loss challenge).  I am currently wearing size 20-22 dress pants, I have two pairs of Vigoss jeans size 24 that I wear and in October I had bought a pair of size 18 skinny jeans from Old Navy that I squeeze into with my tall boots.

We'll see how this goes, I'm actually looking forward to healthy foods.  Pretty burnt out on the heavy crap I've been eating lately! 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Hitting My Stride

Well, after last night's cardio training session and a very clean food day, I woke up this morning to a major turning point: I broke 250 pounds!!! And not just by ounces - the scale showed 246.6!  The excitement of busting through a three year 'plateau' carried through my whole day and I used that motivation to complete two fitness classes tonight: an hour of Zumba Core and an hour of RIPPED Advanced.

I think I have finally hit my stride with food and fitness, I am at a point in my journey - 5 weeks in - that really feels like changes in my brain, in my body and in my lifestyle are being solidified, forming new habits and processes.  I am noticing a difference in my self-talk (that little voice in my head) it is significantly more in-the-moment; planning ahead - making conscious decisions.  I have a strong feeling of awareness, something I didn't even realize I was lacking.  For so many years now I have allowed myself to ignore and ultimately shut off the part of my brain that lived in the moment when it came to food and fitness.  I never planned ahead, I never weighed the pros & cons of my decisions, I never allowed myself to give real thought to what I was doing to myself. I ate whatever I wanted, however much I wanted, whenever I wanted with total disregard to the consequences and outcomes.

I'm seeing tangible progress now and that is fueling me to continue, to stay focused and to remember my goal - pregnancy and motherhood.  One day at a time, one conscious decision after another!